Update: new panel on My Station page

This week we updated the MyStation page with a new feature for our data sharers.

This feature is on the left side of the page in My Station. Check out what's new:

1 - Messages

One of the first items to be seen is the message, from what types of data sources your station received data and the amount and percentage per day, in addition to how many bytes of information.

2 - Day summary

The second item is the day summary. The number of packets in MLAT, UAT, the number of flight packets, packets with position, total packets and total bytes per day.

3 - Month summary

The number of packets in MLAT, UAT, the number of flight packets, packets with position, total packets and total bytes per month.

4 - Last 20 tracked flights

The 20 flights tracked that day by your station, in addition to the plane's HEX information, callsign and date and time.




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