1. What qualities are required for photo uploads?
We have site standards to ensure that RadarBox maintains its focus on good images of aircraft. In addition to these general standards, some categories have specific variations. Please contact us at [email protected] to raise any queries
1. Resolution
The photo resolution should fall within the range of 768 x 768 pixels and 4000 x 4000 pixels.
2. Aspect ratio
Please ensure that the width-to-height ratio does not exceed 1.9. Very wide photos will be rejected.
3. Orientation
Only horizontal photos are accepted. Vertical photos will not be supported.
4. File size
The maximum file size for each photo is 4MB.
5. Metadata (EXIF)
To maintain photo quality and preserve technical details, we insist that all submitted photos include intact EXIF data. EXIF data provides valuable information about the camera settings, date, and time of capture, enhancing the authenticity and technical accuracy of our gallery.
6. Sharpness
Images must be sharp. In a sharp image, names, windows and other aircraft/airport details will be clear. Moderate digital enhancement for sharpness is acceptable, but the image must remain sharp in at least one of medium/full screen/original sizes on a screen of at least 280mm. It is accepted that older images, processed from prints or transparencies may not be as sharp as modern digital photographs.
7. Exposure
All images should be appropriately exposed to show the aircraft/airport clearly, and without large white or black areas. Silhouettes are not accepted.
8. Level
The horizon must be level and verticals should appear so. The image should be straightened where necessary.
9. Distortion and enhancement
Photos taken with fish eye or other lenses that produce distorted images are not allowed. Black-and-white images are accepted only if that was the original medium; similarly for colour images. All manipulation of digital images should maintain a “natural” contrast and colour.
10. Full subject only
For all views of aircraft, nose, wings and tail should not be cropped.
11. Obstructions
Foreground obstructions should not restrict the view of the aircraft/airport. Equipment and other vehicles that are associated with the normal working of the aircraaft are acceptable provided they do not dominate the image.
12. Main subject
The aircraft/airport must be the main subject. Distant views where the subject is a small part of the image are not accepted.
13. People
The incidental presence of crew, passengers or workers in normal activity (ie not posed) is acceptable. Photographs showing people in the foreground, or others that may invade personal privacy, are not permitted.
14. Borders & Watermarks
New digital images should not have added borders. Scanned historic images may retain a border provided it is unobtrusive and not decorative. Watermarks are acceptable provided they are discreet and do not impinge on the aircraft/airport image. QR electronic codes are not permitted.
2. What if the site standards are not met?
All photos submitted are reviewed by a volunteer Admin, who may have time to contact the member and offer guidance. But this cannot be guaranteed, and members have a personal responsibility to comply with site standards.