
RadarBox API
Official libraries for the RadarBox API are available in several languages. License: Apache 2.0 License url:

RadarBox API Documentation
Version: 1.1.4

URI scheme

BasePath: /

Real Time Flight Data Controller

RadarBox Real Time Flight API

Get Aircraft Position

curl "" -X POST -d @- << EOF
{ }

from ..api_client import ApiClient;
from ..configuration import Configuration

apiClient = client.ApiClient("")

api = client.RealTimeFlightDataControllerApi();
api.get_aircraft_position_using_post(query, authorization);

ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient();

RealTimeFlightDataControllerApi api = new RealTimeFlightDataControllerApi(apiClient);
api.getAircraftPositionUsingPOST(query, authorization);

$api_client = new ApiClient('');

$api = new RealTimeFlightDataControllerApi($api_client);
$api->getAircraftPositionUsingPOST(query, authorization);

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "aircraft" : {
    "prop" : { }
  "comment" : "str",
  "cost" : 1,
  "success" : true,
  "targetToken" : "str"

HTTP Request

POST /flight-data-rt/aircraftPosition

Body Parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
incLastKnownPos false boolean Also include last known position whenever the flight is not active
registrations false string array List of aircraft registrations to search for
token false string

Header Parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
Authorization false string Authorization

Responses for status codes

200 201 401 403 404
Real Time Aircraft Position Response

Get Scheduled Flights

curl "" -X POST -d @- << EOF
{ }

apiClient = client.ApiClient("")

api = client.RealTimeFlightDataControllerApi();
api.get_scheduled_flights_using_post(query, authorization);

ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient();

RealTimeFlightDataControllerApi api = new RealTimeFlightDataControllerApi(apiClient);
api.getScheduledFlightsUsingPOST(query, authorization);

$api_client = new Swagger\Client\ApiClient('');

$api = new Swagger\Client\RealTimeFlightDataControllerApi($api_client);
$api->getScheduledFlightsUsingPOST(query, authorization);

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "comment" : "str",
  "cost" : 1,
  "flightsList" : [ {
    "acd" : "str",
    "acr" : "str",
    "act" : "str",
    "alia" : "str",
    "alic" : "str",
    "alna" : "str",
    "apdivci" : "str",
    "apdivco" : "str",
    "apdivia" : "str",
    "apdivic" : "str",
    "apdivla" : "str",
    "apdivlo" : "str",
    "apdivna" : "str",
    "apdivst" : "str",
    "apdivtz" : "str",
    "apdivtznl" : "str",
    "apdivtzns" : "str",
    "apdstci" : "str",
    "apdstco" : "str",
    "apdstia" : "str",
    "apdstic" : "str",
    "apdstla" : "str",
    "apdstlo" : "str",
    "apdstna" : "str",
    "apdstst" : "str",
    "apdsttz" : "str",
    "apdsttznl" : "str",
    "apdsttzns" : "str",
    "aplngia" : "str",
    "aplngic" : "str",
    "aplngna" : "str",
    "aporgci" : "str",
    "aporgco" : "str",
    "aporgia" : "str",
    "aporgic" : "str",
    "aporgla" : "str",
    "aporglo" : "str",
    "aporgna" : "str",
    "aporgst" : "str",
    "aporgtz" : "str",
    "aporgtznl" : "str",
    "aporgtzns" : "str",
    "aptkoia" : "str",
    "aptkoic" : "str",
    "aptkona" : "str",
    "arrauDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "arreDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "arreuDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "arrgate" : "str",
    "arrsuDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "arrterm" : "str",
    "cr" : "str",
    "crdecoded" : "str",
    "creDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "criata" : "str",
    "cs" : "str",
    "depauDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "depeuDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "depgate" : "str",
    "depsuDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "depterm" : "str",
    "fal" : 1,
    "fdistfromorg" : 1,
    "fdistorgdst" : 1,
    "fdisttodst" : 1,
    "fdstbaggageclaim" : "str",
    "fdsttimeA" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "fdsttimeE" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "fdsttimeS" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "fgs" : 1,
    "fhd" : 1,
    "fnia" : "str",
    "fnic" : "str",
    "forgtimeA" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "forgtimeE" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "forgtimeS" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "froute" : "str",
    "fsq" : 1,
    "fst" : "str",
    "fvr" : 1,
    "fwaypoints" : "str",
    "lastSource" : "str",
    "lngtcDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "mrgapdstci" : "str",
    "mrgapdstco" : "str",
    "mrgapdstia" : "str",
    "mrgapdstic" : "str",
    "mrgapdstla" : 1.0,
    "mrgapdstlo" : 1.0,
    "mrgapdstna" : "str",
    "mrgapdstst" : "str",
    "mrgapdsttz" : "str",
    "mrgapdsttznl" : "str",
    "mrgapdsttzns" : "str",
    "mrgaporgci" : "str",
    "mrgaporgco" : "str",
    "mrgaporgia" : "str",
    "mrgaporgic" : "str",
    "mrgaporgla" : 1.0,
    "mrgaporglo" : 1.0,
    "mrgaporgna" : "str",
    "mrgaporgst" : "str",
    "mrgaporgtz" : "str",
    "mrgaporgtznl" : "str",
    "mrgaporgtzns" : "str",
    "ms" : "str",
    "so" : "str",
    "squawk" : "str",
    "stationCentroidLat" : 1.0,
    "stationCentroidLon" : 1.0,
    "svdDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "tkotcDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "trails" : [ {
      "fal" : 1,
      "fgs" : 1,
      "fhd" : 1,
      "fvr" : 1,
      "lat" : 1.0,
      "lon" : 1.0,
      "so" : "str",
      "sq" : 1,
      "svdDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z"
    } ],
    "verticalRate" : "str"
  } ],
  "success" : true,
  "targetToken" : "str"

HTTP Request

POST /flight-data-rt/scheduledFlights

Body Parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
airline false string Airline
arrivalAirport false string Arrival airport code (IATA/ICAO)
departureAirport false string Departure airport code (IATA/ICAO)
flightNumber false string Flight number
scheduledArrivalFrom false string Scheduled arrival date range (from)
scheduledArrivalTo false string Scheduled arrival date range (to)
scheduledDepartureFrom false string Scheduled departure date range (from)
scheduledDepartureTo false string Scheduled departure date range (to)
token false string

Header Parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
Authorization false string Authorization

Responses for status codes

200 201 401 403 404
Scheduled flights response

Flight History Controller

RadarBox Flight History API

Search Flight History

curl "" -X POST -d @- << EOF
{ }

apiClient = client.ApiClient("")

api = client.FlighthistorycontrollerApi();
api.search_using_post(query, authorization);

ApiClient apiClient = new ApiClient();

FlighthistorycontrollerApi api = new FlighthistorycontrollerApi(apiClient);
api.searchUsingPOST(query, authorization);

$api_client = new ApiClient('');

$api = new FlighthistorycontrollerApi($api_client);
$api->searchUsingPOST(query, authorization);

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "comment" : "str",
  "cost" : 1,
  "flights" : [ {
    "acd" : "str",
    "acr" : "str",
    "act" : "str",
    "alia" : "str",
    "alic" : "str",
    "alna" : "str",
    "apdivci" : "str",
    "apdivco" : "str",
    "apdivia" : "str",
    "apdivic" : "str",
    "apdivla" : "str",
    "apdivlo" : "str",
    "apdivna" : "str",
    "apdivst" : "str",
    "apdivtz" : "str",
    "apdivtznl" : "str",
    "apdivtzns" : "str",
    "apdstci" : "str",
    "apdstco" : "str",
    "apdstia" : "str",
    "apdstic" : "str",
    "apdstla" : "str",
    "apdstlo" : "str",
    "apdstna" : "str",
    "apdstst" : "str",
    "apdsttz" : "str",
    "apdsttznl" : "str",
    "apdsttzns" : "str",
    "aplngia" : "str",
    "aplngic" : "str",
    "aplngna" : "str",
    "aporgci" : "str",
    "aporgco" : "str",
    "aporgia" : "str",
    "aporgic" : "str",
    "aporgla" : "str",
    "aporglo" : "str",
    "aporgna" : "str",
    "aporgst" : "str",
    "aporgtz" : "str",
    "aporgtznl" : "str",
    "aporgtzns" : "str",
    "aptkoia" : "str",
    "aptkoic" : "str",
    "aptkona" : "str",
    "arrauDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "arreDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "arreuDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "arrgate" : "str",
    "arrsuDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "arrterm" : "str",
    "cr" : "str",
    "crdecoded" : "str",
    "creDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "criata" : "str",
    "cs" : "str",
    "depauDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "depeuDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "depgate" : "str",
    "depsuDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "depterm" : "str",
    "fal" : 1,
    "fdistfromorg" : 1,
    "fdistorgdst" : 1,
    "fdisttodst" : 1,
    "fdstbaggageclaim" : "str",
    "fdsttimeA" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "fdsttimeE" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "fdsttimeS" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "fgs" : 1,
    "fhd" : 1,
    "fnia" : "str",
    "fnic" : "str",
    "forgtimeA" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "forgtimeE" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "forgtimeS" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "froute" : "str",
    "fsq" : 1,
    "fst" : "str",
    "fvr" : 1,
    "fwaypoints" : "str",
    "lastSource" : "str",
    "lngtcDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "mrgapdstci" : "str",
    "mrgapdstco" : "str",
    "mrgapdstia" : "str",
    "mrgapdstic" : "str",
    "mrgapdstla" : 1.0,
    "mrgapdstlo" : 1.0,
    "mrgapdstna" : "str",
    "mrgapdstst" : "str",
    "mrgapdsttz" : "str",
    "mrgapdsttznl" : "str",
    "mrgapdsttzns" : "str",
    "mrgaporgci" : "str",
    "mrgaporgco" : "str",
    "mrgaporgia" : "str",
    "mrgaporgic" : "str",
    "mrgaporgla" : 1.0,
    "mrgaporglo" : 1.0,
    "mrgaporgna" : "str",
    "mrgaporgst" : "str",
    "mrgaporgtz" : "str",
    "mrgaporgtznl" : "str",
    "mrgaporgtzns" : "str",
    "ms" : "str",
    "so" : "str",
    "squawk" : "str",
    "stationCentroidLat" : 1.0,
    "stationCentroidLon" : 1.0,
    "svdDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "tkotcDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z",
    "trails" : [ {
      "fal" : 1,
      "fgs" : 1,
      "fhd" : 1,
      "fvr" : 1,
      "lat" : 1.0,
      "lon" : 1.0,
      "so" : "str",
      "sq" : 1,
      "svdDt" : "2016-03-03T10:15:30.00Z"
    } ],
    "verticalRate" : "str"
  } ],
  "success" : true,
  "targetToken" : "str"

HTTP Request

POST /flight-history/search

Body Parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
aboveAltitude false integer (int32) Returns positions above this altitude in feet only
airLine false string Filters response by 3 letters operator ICAO code
belowAltitude false integer (int32) Returns positions below this altitude in feet only
flightId false string Flight Number for the flight in ICAO or IATA format
fromAirport false string Filters response for flights departing from a specific airport ICAO code
fromDate false string Beginning of the search window
includeFlightPaths false boolean Specifies whether the user wants to include trails in the results
maxLat false number (double) Area for which you wish to get positions (defined by a latitude/longitude rectangle) - maximum latitude
maxLon false number (double) Area for which you wish to get positions (defined by a latitude/longitude rectangle) - maximum longitude
minLat false number (double) Area for which you wish to get positions (defined by a latitude/longitude rectangle) - minimum latitude
minLon false number (double) Area for which you wish to get positions (defined by a latitude/longitude rectangle) - minimum longitude
minutes false integer (int32) Maximum age of the returned positions (in minutes)
modeSHex false string Mode-s Hex code for the aircraft
registration false string Registration (tail-number) of the aircraft
sources false string array Accepted sources (ADSB/MLAT/ASDI etc)
toAirport false string Filters response for flights arriving to a specific airport ICAO code
toDate false string End of the search window
token false string

Header Parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
Authorization false string Authorization

Responses for status codes

200 201 401 403 404
Flight History Response


Real Time Aircraft Position Response

name description required schema default
aircraft false object List of Aircraft
comment false string
cost false integer (int32)
success false boolean
targetToken false string

Scheduled Flights Response

name description required schema default
comment false string
cost false integer (int32)
flightsList Flights list false Object representing a flight array
success false boolean
targetToken false string

Flight History Response

name description required schema default
comment false string
cost false integer (int32)
flights false Object representing a flight array
success false boolean
targetToken false string


The RadarBox API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden -- The flight requested is hidden for administrators only.
404 Not Found -- The specified flight could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a flight with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
410 Gone -- The flight requested has been removed from our servers.
418 I'm a teapot.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many flights! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.

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